Process Models

The Grove’s process models and frameworks aid systems thinking and experience-based learning within the fields of organization, team, and leadership development. David Sibbet collaboratively designed these frameworks with Arthur M. Young’s Theory of Process as the “OS,” to borrow a computer metaphor. Think of these models as conceptual “keyboards” for remembering the essential elements, expressed with most fundamental on the left and those that build on them moving to the right. Real-life processes are to these models as musical compositions are to the keyboards that generate them.

Arthur M. Young’s Theory of Process

Arthur M. Young’s Theory of Process

Group Graphics® Keyboard

group graphics keyboard - Process Models - David Sibbet

Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model®

team performance model - process models - david sibbet

Grove Strategic Visioning™ Model

grove strategic visioning model - Process Models - David Sibbet

Sibbet/Le Saget Sustainable
Organizations™ Model

sustainable organizations model - process models - david sibbet

Grove Facilitation Model™

grove facilitation model - Process Models - David Sibbet

Seven Challenges of Change Framework
for Designing and Leading Change

7COC-FullV18.1Dk 6-10-18

Communities of Practice Model

Communities of Practice

Intercultural Learning Model

Intercultural Learning Model

Strategies for Conflict Facilitation

SAD Impact MOdel