Visual Leaders is Happening
A third book in my Wiley & Sons trilogy on visualization is nearing completion of its first draft. Wiley agreed to print the book in full color, and I am having a terrific time loading it with examples of how leaders of all kinds can take advantage of what I’m calling the visualization revolution.
This cover image illustrates the big picture focus of the book. It’s written to help leaders and managers increase their visual IQ, learn to work with visual practitioners, and guide their organizations in become more literate visually, in both face-to-face and virtual environments. I am making sure there are lots of practice exercises and suggestions for new leaders.
As with Visual Meetings and Visual Teams, I have been able to not only write the book and do the drawings, but design it myself in InDesign. I’ve actually moved to doing the writing in InDesign, so that from the very first drafts I can see what I’m getting on each page. It’s a thrilling process to be able finally to create in both text and graphics. If you want to read the TOC, click on the images and they will expand.
Wiley plans to have the book in the stores in January. We’ll for sure have a link and other information at In the meantime, I’d like to share the table of contents to give you a sense of what will be included. Any comments and feedback would be welcome.
David Sibbet
February 23, 2013The Kindle edition includes all the same imagery but the page layouts are different, of course. The two-page spreads are single images or cut up into logical chunks. Links are included to a Grove website where you can see big version if you really want to study the detailed graphics. The tables that are graphic are included in the Kindle as images, so they have the same look and feel. The type, of course, is the standard Kindle type and heads. So no, the Kindle version is not as beautiful, but it does work well. Thanks for asking.
February 23, 2013Is the Kindle edition as beautiful as the printed one?
Martin Paley
January 10, 2013DAVID,
I look forward each year to your calendar gift which sits in a prominent spot on my desk and is more useful than a room full of digital tools.
I would enjoy getting together for lunch sometime if you schedule permits.
Muriel and I send our best to Susan and You.
Martin Paley
Sue Keely
September 18, 2012Congratulations David! I look forward to buying a copy when it’s released. I am pleased to see the focus being leaders! I happened to work for a very visual leader before leaving to do graphic recording full time, and even he could benefit from this book I think!
Wendy Wong
August 24, 2012Yeah! :)))