This last Saturday I had the honor of helping create a histomap of the life of Michael Doyle, my mentor and first supporter in business 30 years ago. He passed away this last January 29, 2007, and his wife Juli and a design team of colleagues created a special memorial day to honor his professional contributions. Some 60 people came from all parts of the collaboration spectrum.

Honoring Michael Doyle

We’ve been keeping a special blog in memory of Michael since he passed, and his history is posted there if you are interested in seeing it. Just click here to go to Remembering Michael Doyle.


This fall I get the treat of using my new book, Graphic Facilitation, to lead a Principles of Graphic Facilitation training in Baltimore. This has been a year of real completion for me with this work.

Twenty-six years ago in 1980 I wrote the first version called I See What You Mean: A Workbook Guide to Group Graphics®. That manual has shaped my and others’ facilitation careers more than I could have anticipated. It’s gone through at least nine reprintings. It was copied by the U.S. Army to train all their facilitators at Fort Ord in the 1980s. The developmental disabilities network trained by John O’Brien in England used it to build a platform for Person-Centered Planning. And it became a foundation product and course for The Grove as we’ve trained people worldwide. Now there is even an International Visual Practitioners Forum holding annual conferences.

Since that time my work has evolved quite beyond Group Graphics®, the brand name I and my colleagues gave the specific approach to graphic facilitation described in this book.

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I found this original graphic of National Semiconductor’s strategic vision in my files and was prompted to tune up the extensive case study of how The Grove successfully used large-scale graphics to deploy the NSC vision worldwide over four years in the early 1990s. It is the most extensive application of Grove Storymapping™ to date, and the success model for much of our current work. Check out the National Semiconductor case study at The Grove’s website for further background.
